Rates are based on actual costs per 01/10/2020.
Rates are based on the Rental services and assumptions as described in this proposal. SENTINEL BV reserves the right to adjust the Rates in case of any deviations and / or changes and this to the extent of the impact of any such deviations and / or changes.
Rates are based on initial contract duration of minimum 3 years, starting after the start-up period, and at the end of the initial contract duration, the contract shall be automatically prolonged with consecutive periods of 1 year (renewed periods). SENTINEL BV and Customer may terminate the contract at the end of the initial contract duration or at the end of any renewed period, taking into account a 12 months’ notice period.
Rates shall be adjusted annually and automatically to the increase of the Health Index and this for the first time on 01/01/2021. The following formula shall apply: Rates January Year X+1 = Rates December Year X * (Health Index December Year X / Health Index December Year X-1)
Besides this index adjustment, SENTINEL BV shall be entitled to adjust the Rates to make expenditures and/or pay costs (including but not limited to new taxes) that were not known at the date of this proposal or the time of the signing of the contract between Customer and SENTINEL BV and which Customer would have had to make or pay if it would have had to meet the obligations of SENTINEL BV in its own name and for its own account.
A minimum implementation period of 2 months between contract signature and provision of the Services is required.
Possible implementation costs are not included in the proposal, unless otherwise explicitly indicated.
Both Customer and SENTINEL BV shall subscribe a Third Party liability insurance.
All Rates and costs are in Euro, exclusive any applicable VAT.
Payment conditions: net 30 days from the date of invoice, with the exception for distribution (net 30 days).
This proposal is valid until 4 weeks after the date mentioned on the proposal.
This proposal is subject to approval by the Board of Directors of SENTINEL BV
Eindeken 3, 9940 Evergem, België
tel:+32 (0) 9 278 72 56